Japan Face Type Analysis Association– Ranked No. 1 in search results through SEO

一般社団法人日本顔タイプ診断協会 代表理事 岡田実子さん(中央)、企画部部長 角平優子さん(右)、株式会社マスドライバー 代表 牧野徹郎(左)
Ms. Miko Okada, Representative Director (center), Ms. Yuko Sumidaira, Planning Department Manager (right), Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (left)
Organization NameJapan Face Type Diagnosis Association
Target ProductFace Type Diagnosis
Services ProvidedSEO measures, article content creation, ad management
PurposeAchieve first place in search for major keywords
EffectAchieved first place in search for major keywords

Achieving First Place in Search Rankings with Accurate SEO Measures, Surpassing Major Competitors!

Can you tell us about the background of these measures?

Ms. Miko Okada, Japan Face Type Diagnosis Association (hereafter, Ms. Okada):

Our association aims to popularize “Face Type Diagnosis,” which analyzes face types based on features like contours and parts to provide fashion, hairstyle, and makeup advice. We also conduct training courses for Face Type Advisors.

In recent years, major publishers and magazines have covered “Face Type Diagnosis,” causing our website’s ranking to drop. We asked Mr. Makino for SEO measures.

We’ve been working with Mr. Makino for ad management for two years, appreciating his data-driven approach and successful results. Learning he also handles SEO, we reached out to him for assistance.

It was more of a feeling of discovering a trusted person nearby than actively searching for help.

一般社団法人日本顔タイプ診断協会 代表理事 岡田さん
Ms. Miko Okada, Representative Director, Japan Face Type Diagnosis Association

Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Makino):

Since ad management and SEO, my specialties, have synergistic effects, I wanted to be involved in both. Initially, Face Type Diagnosis ranked around 7th, sometimes rising to 6th or falling to 10th. Competing for 1st place with high-traffic sites was challenging, but just recently, we achieved 1st place!

Ms. Okada:

Wow! That’s wonderful news!

(Everyone applauds)


It wasn’t timed for this interview, but we hit 1st place at a great moment!

Congratulations! What measures did you take to surpass the top-ranked publishers?


We focused on creating more articles and adding a “diagnosis chart” to the homepage.


Ms. Okada:

Top-ranking sites had charts for a simplified face type diagnosis, so I thought we needed one on our website as well. However, I hadn’t considered adding columns. We had a few articles up, but Mr. Makino pointed out that we needed more.


By linking chart results to columns, the chart’s value increases. This makes the site more valuable overall, leading Google to recognize it as a high-quality site, thereby improving the website’s overall ranking.

株式会社マスドライバー 代表 牧野
Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

“I thought SEO was like catching clouds.”

Was this your first time implementing SEO measures?

Ms. Okada:

It was the first time for the Face Type Diagnosis Association’s website, but I had previously requested SEO measures from two other companies. They cold-called us, saying they could improve our rankings, so I decided to try.

Honestly, it felt like trying to catch clouds. They said, “There’s no guarantee, but the ranking will definitely improve,” yet the results were unclear.

Because of that experience, when our SEO dropped a few years ago, I wasn’t inclined to ask anyone for help. However, timing worked out, and Mr. Makino was available, so I decided to ask him.

Were there any obstacles in implementing the measures?


Consistent article creation might have been challenging. Ms. Okada and Ms. Sumidaira are experts on face type diagnosis, so we went through multiple drafts and revisions to improve the quality.

Ms. Yuko Sumidaira, Japan Face Type Diagnosis Association (hereafter, Ms. Sumidaira):

I was responsible for article review, but I knew nothing about SEO writing. Now, we can leave all article creation to MASS DRIVER.

一般社団法人日本顔タイプ診断協会 企画部部長 角平さん
Ms. Yuko Sumidaira, Planning Department Manager, Japan Face Type Diagnosis Association


The article creation process includes market research, keyword selection, creating a structure, writing, proofreading, incorporating keywords, and submitting.

Instead of doing everything alone, we worked with specialized staff to increase speed. Ms. Sumidaira reviewed articles and provided feedback for adjustments.

Ms. Okada:

We are very satisfied with the results. Given past experiences, we didn’t fully understand SEO, so we entrusted everything to Mass Driver, responding to their guidance.

We realized that our previous non-SEO-oriented writing wasn’t effective. Trusting professionals is far more efficient.


Thank you for your trust!

Ms. Okada:

We started seeing results in about two months, which was quick.

一般社団法人日本顔タイプ診断協会 角平さん、岡田さん

Clicks Increased 12 Times Compared to Two Years Ago. Expanding “Face Type Diagnosis” Further

What effects have these measures had?


Two years ago, the Face Type Diagnosis website had about 400 clicks per day. Now, it has 5,000 clicks per day, an approximately 12-fold increase.

Our goal is for users to visit not just the articles but also the top page to learn about Face Type Diagnosis. We’ve made various adjustments, especially to the “What is Face Type Diagnosis” section.

Currently, when searching “Face Type Diagnosis,” the site ranks first and directs users to the top page, which is ideal.

Ms. Okada:

The clarity of the process and seeing the results in numbers is very helpful. Sharing this information helps us understand the success.

Have you achieved your goal?

Ms. Okada:

Today, we achieved the goal of “ranking first in search.” The next challenge is to maintain that position. Although rankings may fluctuate, we aim to keep it.


I believe we can maintain it by continuing to update the site. By thoroughly disseminating information on the male version of Face Type Diagnosis, we can stay ahead of competitors.

Ms. Okada:

We want Face Type Diagnosis to benefit many people. We appreciate guidance on how to improve the website and SEO. It’s valuable to get insights we might miss from the inside.


The YouTube project we started two years ago has reached 20,000 subscribers. We aim to further refine our reach to new audiences. We’ll optimize advertising while balancing the budget. Thank you for your continued partnership.