ART JAPAN CO., LTD.– Achieved increased sales and inquiries through SEO, product LP, and site renovations

(左から)株式会社アート 営業企画推進部 シニアマネージャー 吉田圭吾さん、株式会社マスドライバー リードデザイナーS、代表 牧野徹郎(右)
(From left) Mr. Keigo Yoshida, Senior Manager of Sales Planning Promotion Department, Art Co., Ltd.; S,
Lead Designer, Mass Driver Co., Ltd.; Tetsuro Makino, CEO, Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (right)
Company NameArt Co., Ltd.
Target ProductsSecurity product brand “Zenesque”, owned media “Security Media”, etc.
Services ProvidedLP/HP creation and design, SEO measures, content marketing, video marketing, etc.
PurposeIncrease sales of own products through organic search, branding, etc.
Effect10x increase in traffic, 3.7x increase in inquiries, etc.

Speedy Implementation of Strategies to Achieve Results

First, can you give us an overview of your collaboration with Mass Driver?

Mr. Keigo Yoshida (hereafter, Mr. Yoshida):

Art Co., Ltd. handles various management systems related to security, including security gates, surveillance cameras, and biometric authentication readers.

Among these, we have asked Mass Driver to create LPs for the security product brand “Zenesque,” fully renew the owned media “Security Media,” and revamp the corporate website.

シニアマネージャー 吉田圭吾さん
シニアマネージャー 吉田圭吾さん

Mass Driver Co., Ltd. Lead Designer S (hereafter, Designer S):

Since the product is a system rather than a tangible item, we needed to be creative in how we presented it. For example, “Zenescan Person” is a system, not a camera, so we decided not to include a camera in the main visual of the site.

We conducted in-depth hearings with Mr. Yoshida to understand the product thoroughly and proceeded with the production by imagining how it would appear to users visiting the site, making detailed confirmations and adjustments along the way.

Mass Driver Co., Ltd. CEO Makino (hereafter, Makino):

We are simultaneously implementing SEO measures to attract people to the site and increase application numbers, and making site modifications to ensure conversions.

Designer S:

In site modifications, we propose new designs based on strategies, change the overall structure, and adopt what works through trial and error.

We created the facial recognition system site from scratch. Mr. Yoshida, Mr. Makino, and I collaborated on the text and headings, while I handled the design.

MASS DRIVER’s strength is creating LPs that combine ease of use, high design quality, and SEO effectiveness.

Mr. Yoshida:

MASS DRIVER always creates sites that match our image, and they do it very quickly. They consistently exceed our expectations with exceptional design quality.

Designer S:

Thank you. By progressing quickly, we increase opportunities to align our thoughts. A significant mismatch in understanding would waste time, so we move forward with a sense of speed.

Synergy of HP Revamp, SEO Measures, and Full Media Renewal

What led to the implementation of these measures?

Mr. Yoshida:

Initially, we didn’t know where to start. At the time, we received SEO and FB advertising advice from our corporate site production company but wanted to strengthen our SEO measures. Additionally, we were open to implementing effective advertising strategies.

The product was from the newly established Zenesque brand. We launched the HP and monitored the access, but there was hardly any traffic.

Designer S:

No matter how high the design quality, without traffic, there are no inquiries.

Mr. Yoshida:

Many of our products are aimed at end-users, making it challenging for our sales team to sell directly. Therefore, we needed to increase awareness and inquiries.


By continuously updating article content on the owned media “Security Media,” we are gradually increasing access and awareness.

株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎
Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

Mr. Yoshida:

When Security Media first launched, it struggled significantly, but things changed dramatically once MASS DRIVER got involved. We wanted to increase the number of articles, but producing them internally was challenging, so we turned to MASS DRIVER. They revamped the design and continued to update eight articles per month, which significantly increased the number of views.


We compared data from September 2022 since we don’t have data from the past 16 months. Originally, the page views ranged from 30 to 50, but now they have increased to around 500. Although the market may be niche, we believe there is potential to increase traffic even further.

How about the SEO measures?

Mr. Yoshida:

Our goal was to connect inquiries from departments like general affairs, municipalities, universities, hospitals, and nursing homes that implement systems in companies. Initially, we didn’t know much, and Mr. Makino taught us a lot.

When we asked, “How about this?” he would immediately show tools on his computer screen and explain thoroughly, making us feel confident that he could solve our problems accurately.


From experience, I have a good sense of what improvements will yield results. It’s not enough to create a beautiful website if it doesn’t attract visitors, and even if it does, if the pathway to conversion is flawed, it won’t lead to sales.

SEO work is labor-intensive, requiring us to cover all bases like filling in a grid. In Art’s case, there was significant room for improvement.

MASS DRIVER started the research in September 2022 with a three-person team, and by the end of the year, we had fully renewed Security Media, gradually improving SEO.

User-Centric Multifaceted Strategies Tripling Inquiries

What effects have the measures had?

Mr. Yoshida:

Last year, we had 51 inquiries, but in just the past six months, we’ve had 181. That’s a 3.7-fold increase. The rise in inquiries has translated into increased sales, and we’ve seen significant results.

Advertising costs are now exceeded by sales revenue, and the number of views has also increased, showing various visible effects.


While spikes occur when newsletters or press releases are sent out, the baseline has definitely increased. The real effect needs to be investigated, but adjusting designs in line with SEO measures seems effective.

What design adjustments have been made?

Designer S:

Security Media initially had a structure where articles weren’t read, and pathways were poorly laid out. We revamped it to feature articles prominently. Specifically, we changed the order of displayed content, moving priority articles to the top.

Imagining myself visiting the site to read content, I analyzed the usability and made design decisions from a user perspective. I believe there are still areas for improvement.

Aiming for Results While Embracing New Challenges

What are your future plans?

Mr. Yoshida:

While we’ve achieved some results, our goal is still ahead. We aim to increase numbers further, generate profits with the Zenesque product, and achieve our sales targets.

As a new challenge, we’ve asked MASS DRIVER to create video content.

Given that security is a relatively conservative industry, most competitors don’t produce video content. However, we want to share both the strengths and weaknesses of our products.

シニアマネージャー 吉田圭吾さん、リードデザイナーS、代表 牧野

What further expectations do you have for Mass Driver?

Mr. Yoshida:

I would like to request even more services. I’d like to introduce MASS DRIVER to other departments and products within our company. It might get busy, but I hope you can increase your team to handle it (laughs).

Designer S:

To maintain the speed necessary for evaluating strategies, we need a system that allows for immediate implementation of ideas.


Thank you. We’ll do our best to expand our team (laughs).

シニアマネージャー 吉田圭吾さん、リードデザイナーS、代表 牧野