Radix CG, Ltd.– Utilized SEO and YouTube Shorts to promote their products

前列右からRADIX・CG株式会社 システム推進課 係長 濱田竜也さん、ビジネスサポート課 外国人支援担当鶴岡洋介さん、システム推進課 課長 宇高叔央さん、同課 登坂美月さん
株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(後列左)、リードディレクター 甘粕亜由美(後列右)
Front row, from right: Mr. Tatsuya Hamada, Assistant Manager of System Promotion Section, RADIX・CG Co., Ltd.; Mr. Yosuke Tsuruoka, Foreign Support Specialist of Business Support Section; Mr. Hirofumi Udaka, Manager of System Promotion Section; Ms. Mizuki Tosaka of the same section.
Back row, from left: Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd.; Ayumi Amakasu, Lead Director.
Company NameRADIX・CG Co., Ltd.
Target ProductCustom RPA Tool “RaBit”
Services ProvidedSEO, YouTube Video Production
PurposeExpand awareness of own products
EffectIncreased number of inquiries

SEO Measures and Web Customer Acquisition through YouTube Distribution

Can you tell us about the product that was the target of these measures?

Mr. Hirofumi Udaka (hereafter, Mr. Udaka):

It’s an RPA service called “RaBit.” RPA refers to robots that perform desk work tasks. It repeatedly performs registered routine tasks, providing the benefits of reducing labor costs and improving work efficiency.


We initially relied primarily on door-to-door sales but wanted to increase web-based customer acquisition. A group company introduced us to Mr. Makino.

Tetsuro Makino, CEO of Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Makino):

We handle SEO and YouTube production.

Given the strong competition in SEO from major players in the RPA market, we use YouTube distribution as a complementary strategy. High YouTube views positively impact SEO, and since major competitors don’t do much video distribution, we hope viewers find “RaBit” before they discover the big players.

Ayumi Amakasu, Lead Director at Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Amakasu):

I manage the planning, filming, and editing of YouTube video content.

What prompted the shift to web-based customer acquisition?

Mr. Udaka:

Despite having offices nationwide, door-to-door sales have geographic limitations. We wanted to reach customers far from our offices, and web-based customer acquisition seemed feasible.

Additionally, RPA tends to appeal to those with high IT literacy, making web searchers a natural target. However, unsure where to start, we consulted with a product leader at a group company, who then introduced us to Mr. Makino.

RADIX・CG株式会社 システム推進課 課長 宇高叔央さん
Mr. Hirofumi Udaka, Manager of System Promotion Section, RADIX・CG Co., Ltd.

A Strategy to Win Against Major Competitors: Short Videos

What led to the implementation of these measures?


For “RaBit,” the competition is nationwide and the major players are very strong, making it a high hurdle. There were many SEO measures to be taken, each requiring high precision, which was a tough situation.

Mr. Udaka:

Although I felt Mr. Makino was doing a great job, I may not have fully realized how challenging it was.


I’m glad I mentioned it today (laughs).

株式会社マスドライバー 牧野
Tetsuro Makino, Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

How did you proceed with the measures?


We started in December 2021. First, we conducted competitor research and, together with the group company members, created the homepage. Then, we progressed with SEO measures such as content creation and link-building campaigns. Currently, we are also managing YouTube production and advertisements.

Mr. Udaka:

We leave everything to MASS DRIVER. Knowing their track record with our group company, we have no worries.

Mr. Makino always explains things clearly and logically, making me think, “This approach will work.”


We started YouTube distribution 10 months ago, with preparations beginning about a year ago.


Other companies produce serious videos, so for RaBit, we create casual short videos.


The goal is to raise awareness through entertaining short videos rather than detailed explanation videos. Shorts have a tendency to be watched when they come across viewers’ feeds, regardless of their interest level.

株式会社マスドライバー 甘粕
Ayumi Amakasu, Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

The videos are quite entertaining (laughs). Were there any objections within your company initially?

Mr. Udaka:

Actually, there were at first. The initial shoot turned out more casual than expected, which made me nervous. When I showed it to our CEO, he said, “Isn’t this too frivolous?” (laughs).

After explaining that the goal was to increase viewership, he agreed, saying, “If you think it’s good, go ahead.” He trusted my judgment, which I appreciated. He watches every video and sometimes worries, saying, “Maybe that guy shouldn’t be in it” (laughs).

Ms. Mizuki Tosaka (hereafter, Ms. Tosaka):

I inform the staff after each video release, and I once received a call during work from a colleague saying, “Today’s video was funny.”

Honestly, I initially doubted if these videos should be released, but now I think it was the right decision!

RADIX・CG株式会社 システム推進課 登坂美月さん
Ms. Mizuki Tosaka, System Promotion Section, RADIX・CG Co., Ltd.

Mr. Udaka:

From the perspective of our internal staff, the new initiative seems fresh, and we’ve received a lot of positive feedback about the company trying something new. It’s gratifying to hear that people find the videos entertaining.

Achieving SEO Rank 1 and Increased Inquiries, Along with Pleasant Surprises

What effects have the measures had?

Mr. Udaka:

We’re pleased with the quality of the videos produced in such a short time, and the SEO results are strong. For the keyword “RPA cheap,” we now rank 1st or 2nd on some days (as of August 2023). Initially, we were nowhere near the top results. While the videos aren’t the sole factor, the SEO improvements coincided with the video production period, making the process enjoyable.


Our goal is for people who search for RaBit to watch the videos, increasing awareness. We aim to direct interested viewers to the website, leading to inquiries and conversions.

We avoided making the videos overtly business-like to maintain a balance.

Balancing practicality and entertainment seems challenging.


I kept the viewer’s perspective in mind, considering how someone watching for the first time might feel.

Mr. Udaka:

We had a great time shooting the videos, and we hoped the viewers would share that enjoyment.


It was fun. I looked forward to each shoot!


Have there been any other results?

Mr. Udaka:

While our target users are primarily small and medium-sized enterprises, we’ve recently started getting inquiries from large corporations, which is unprecedented for us.

In an industry with fewer companies and ongoing reorganization, approaching large corporations was a significant challenge. However, our initiatives with Mass Driver have unexpectedly opened this door. This is a pleasant surprise.

The increase in inquiries, leading to “pull marketing” where customers come to us without direct sales efforts, is a huge benefit. We’re even getting inquiries from areas without sales offices.


We rank 1st for the keyword “RPA cheap,” but for higher-volume keywords, we still have a long way to go. Competing with major companies will be challenging, but we aim to target these keywords in the future.

Mr. Udaka:

Working together has been enjoyable, and I feel we have a great relationship. Looking forward to continuing our partnership.


Thank you. Let’s keep working together!

前列右からRADIX・CG株式会社 システム推進課 係長 濱田竜也さん、ビジネスサポート課 外国人支援担当鶴岡洋介さん、システム推進課 課長 宇高叔央さん、同課 登坂美月さん 株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(後列左)、リードディレクター 甘粕亜由美(後列右)