Total IT Helper – Created a new service homepage, implemented SEO strategies, and managed ads to increase customer acquisition

リップル株式会社 首都圏事務所コンタクト事業部部長 浅間隼人さん(左)、リップル株式会社「トータルITヘルパー」営業部/カスタマー事業部 慶田朋大さん(中央)、株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(右)
Hayato Asama, Head of Contact Business Department, Tokyo Metropolitan Office, Ripple Inc. (left), Tomohiro Keida, Sales and Customer Service Department, “Total IT Helper,” Ripple Inc. (center), Tetsuro Makino, Representative of Mass Driver Inc. (right)
Company NameRipple Inc.
Target ProductTotal IT Helper (IT system management service)
Provided ServicesNew business development, website creation, SEO measures, advertising operations
ObjectiveIncrease awareness and customer acquisition for “Total IT Helper”
EffectLaunch of a new business
Achieved 2nd place in search rankings for major keywords leading to contracts
Secured contracts from major industry players

Web Customer Acquisition for the New Service “Total IT Helper”

――Please tell us about the target of this initiative.

Mr. Hayato Asama (hereafter, Mr. Asama):

The target is our information system outsourcing service called “Total IT Helper,” which was released in 2020.

Since our establishment in 2013, our company has primarily supported the digitization of offices for small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide. As a DX-certified business, we provide services ranging from consulting to design, development, implementation, and support.

Originally, we mainly dealt with hardware like fax machines before multifunction devices came out. However, with changing times, our main focus has shifted to network-related tasks, such as server management.

“Total IT Helper” is a service that supports and operates the tasks of a company’s information systems department. It covers various practical operations including consulting, helpdesk support, network construction, and kitting.

リップル株式会社 首都圏事務所コンタクト事業部部長 浅間隼人さん
Mr. Hayato Asama, Head of Contact Business Department, Tokyo Metropolitan Office, Ripple Inc.

――What initiatives did you implement?

Makino, Mass Driver Inc. (hereafter, Makino):

We created a dedicated website for “Total IT Helper,” along with implementing SEO measures and managing advertising operations. This website was developed specifically for the “Total IT Helper” service, separate from Ripple Inc.’s corporate site.


Mr. Asama:

With Mass Driver’s services, they not only created the website but also provided SEO measures, various advice, and contributed to the design of a competitive service.

Mr. Tomohiro Keida (hereafter, Mr. Keida):

Typically, when creating a website, the process involves the client giving instructions, followed by the production company asking questions like “What about this?” and the client having to respond. However, Mr. Makino from Mass Driver was very proactive, offering opinions and ideas before asking questions, which was extremely helpful.

リップル株式会社「トータルITヘルパー」営業部/カスタマー事業部 慶田朋大さん
Ripple Corporation “Total IT Helper” Sales Department / Customer Business Department Mr. Tomohiro Keita

Mr. Asama:

Until now, our company has primarily relied on offline sales methods such as phone calls. Since this was our first attempt at online customer acquisition, Mr. Makino was extremely helpful. Receiving advice on service structuring along with the website creation was a significant support.

SEO Measures to Ensure Results Linked to Business Development

――What kind of advice did you receive from Makino of Mass Driver?

Mr. Asama:

There were many pieces of advice, but for example, we were told that the term “support” is too vague, so we should target our audience more specifically. The advice covered a wide range of topics, including the size of the companies targeted by the service, how to present the service accordingly, and the service plans.


On my part, I first made an effort to understand the business. This included understanding the types of customers they have, researching competitors for the new service, and identifying points of differentiation. I realized that one of Ripple’s strengths is their ability to cover a wide range of areas due to their various business locations, allowing them to cater to regional needs.

株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎
Makino Tetsuro, Representative of Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

Mr. Asama:

Since our sales approach had been analog until now, we carefully considered the best pricing and service content to stand out online among many competitors, based on Mass Driver’s advice. As a result, we discovered that our wide coverage area translated to the strength of “agility.”

Radix Corporation, Ripple’s parent company, has business locations nationwide, so we can respond almost anywhere in Japan. We support tens of thousands of companies, so we can handle most requests.


To convey this nationwide network and agility, we also devised SEO strategies. After analyzing our competitors, we discussed and implemented measures for services where Ripple’s “Total IT Helper” could stand out. Since the service itself doesn’t allow much room for emotional appeal, we focused on cool-headed analysis and strategies.

Mr. Keita:

Since it was a new service, we initially broadened our keywords significantly for customer acquisition. However, while refining the service content simultaneously with website creation, Mass Driver’s advice helped us eliminate mismatched keywords as part of our SEO strategy. Through this process, I think the services we offer have become more solidified in a better form.

――Website creation, business development, and SEO strategies were closely intertwined, weren’t they?


Ripple’s support was significant. They wrote columns for the website, which I edited and inserted keywords into before publishing.

Mr. Keita:

We received detailed and thorough instructions on things like the number of words in the columns and competitor article research, so all we had to do was follow those instructions.

営業部/カスタマー事業部 慶田朋大さん

Mr. Asama:

We are amateurs when it comes to SEO, so no matter how many columns we wrote, I don’t think they would have been effective. It was only because of Mass Driver’s SEO measures that the effects gradually emerged and led to increased customer acquisition.

The Speed and Confidence from Service Launch to Profitability

――I believe implementing measures for a new service was a kind of challenge. Were there any concerns within the company?

Mr. Asama:

There were no concerns, mainly because we saw profits early on. If we hadn’t received any orders, we might have felt anxious, but “Total IT Helper” became profitable in less than a year after its launch, which was relatively quick.

Initially, we thought it would take longer to become profitable, but as the number of inquiries and orders increased smoothly, leading to profits, we were able to invest in advertising with confidence.

Makino from Mass Driver was involved from the planning stage, producing everything from service design, website creation, SEO measures, to blog guidance.


Is it alright to receive such high praise? (laughs)

Mr. Asama:

It’s because you actually did it. The speed was also impressive; “Total IT Helper” was released within two to three months from the planning stage.

Initially, we had no knowledge about web customer acquisition, so Mass Driver conducted market research for us, provided various information including pricing, and based on their advice, we were able to shape the service, leading to these results.

Mr. Keita:

They also helped us review the plans after the release.


At first, the website featured two services, “Information System Outsourcing” and “Help Desk,” along with a phone number. But later, we decided to focus solely on “Information System Outsourcing.”

マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎

Mr. Keita:

We were overwhelmed with phone inquiries from individuals and small businesses for the two services. We wanted to provide more in-depth services to larger companies, so we adjusted our plans, including pricing, based on Makino’s advice to fully promote the “Information System Outsourcing.”

The original cost calculation was based on the number of computers, which became expensive for larger companies. So, we added a “Customized Plan” that requires a quote. As a result, 80% of our customers are currently choosing this plan.

――This is a great example of a win-win situation for customers while also leading to increased profitability through customer acquisition.

Mr. Keita:

The measures for web customer acquisition for “Total IT Helper” were entirely new to us. As we were exploring different sales methods and ways to generate future profits to expand our company, we learned a lot.

Mr. Asama:

From acquiring web customer acquisition know-how to actually generating profits, everything was a new challenge. I believe the results came from both sides working hard together, with our employees taking action based on Mass Driver’s advice.

首都圏事務所コンタクト事業部部長 浅間隼人さん

Creating New Services: We Hope to Continue Receiving Support in the Future

――What insights or changes have you noticed from using Mass Driver’s services?

Mr. Asama:

With the release of this service, we have started offering services that we had never provided before. For example, we now offer a service where customers can send the computers they purchased to us, and we handle the initial setup before sending them back.

Additionally, while we previously focused mainly on support via phone calls, we now increasingly visit our customers’ offices directly.


Mr. Keita:

Sometimes, we even review office blueprints and check the wiring. It’s much easier to discuss these matters with the construction contractors beforehand, rather than having to redo things later. I feel that our range of services has expanded.

As we continue to expand our operations in this way, we also want to increase our presence within the group company. Thanks to this, we are now being assigned to large-scale projects.

――It sounds like a positive cycle has begun. What further expectations do you have for Mass Driver?

Mr. Asama:

In addition to “Total IT Helper,” we would love for you to be involved in any new services or projects we launch within the group company. You have already been involved in a few, and we would be delighted if you could continue delivering results as you have so far.

Mr. Keita:

Thanks to Mass Driver’s services, we were able to shape our new services from scratch. We hope you will continue to be involved in our future business development, maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship.

リップル株式会社 首都圏事務所コンタクト事業部部長 浅間隼人さん(左)、リップル株式会社「トータルITヘルパー」営業部/カスタマー事業部 慶田朋大さん(中央)、株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(右)