JOGGO Co., Ltd. – Achieved sales and conversions through SEO strategies and content marketing

JOGGO株式会社 代表取締役 太田真之さん(左)、株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(右)
Mr. Masayuki Ota, President and CEO of JOGGO Corporation (left), and Tetsuro Makino, Representative of Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (right)
Company NameJOGGO Corporation
Target ProductsGeneral Leather Goods
Provided ServicesSEO Measures, Content Marketing, Video Marketing
ObjectiveIncrease in Purchases of Brand Products through Organic Search
EffectAchieved 1st place in search results for major keywords, increased search traffic by 2000%

Promotion of Cowhide Products Made in Bangladesh

――Please tell us about the target of this initiative.

Mr. Masayuki Ota (hereafter, Mr. Ota):

At JOGGO Corporation, we sell leather products crafted by artisans at our own factories in Bangladesh and Kumegawa, Japan, through our e-commerce site.

We create products with consideration for the environment and people, aiming to pass on a “better earth” to the next generation. Originally, JOGGO was part of “Borderless Japan,” a company that addresses social issues through social business, but it started as “JOGGO Corporation” in 2017.

One of the charms of JOGGO’s products is that they can be customized in 14 colors, allowing for unique designs. Since wallets and bags are used daily, we focus on “simple designs that don’t get boring” and “gender-neutral designs.”


――What measures did you implement?

Mr. Ota:

SEO measures. JOGGO’s products are sold exclusively through their e-commerce site. Initially, traffic to the site was mainly driven by advertisements. We were running ads with the catchphrase “Boyfriend’s Birthday,” targeting women buying gifts for men. However, upon further research, we noticed an increasing number of people not clicking on the ads.

JOGGO is a company with a mission to promote employment and improve living conditions in Bangladesh. Continuing to rely solely on advertisements would make it difficult to achieve this mission. For future growth, we believe it is essential to increase organic search traffic.

JOGGO株式会社 代表取締役 太田真之さん
Mr. Masayuki Ota, Representative Director of JOGGO Co., Ltd.

Makino from Mass Driver Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Makino):

First, we proceeded with the straightforward strategy of aiming for top rankings in SEO searches using content sprinkled with major keywords such as “leather wallets,” “bags,” and “leather.”

The display of search results and traffic were smooth. However, no matter how many people we attract, it doesn’t mean much if they don’t make purchases, so we are working through trial and error to find ways to appeal to the users who visit the site.

株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎
Teruro Makino, Representative of Mass Driver Co., Ltd.

Changes Triggered by the Pandemic

――How did you meet Mr. Makino from Mass Driver?

Mr. Ota:

I met him when I visited a shared office called “STAYUP Yokohama,” where I was introduced to him by Mr. Ueda, who runs the place.

Mr. Ueda supports the Borderless Japan Group, and I went to greet him at STAYUP Yokohama.

Despite being in the midst of the pandemic, I was very surprised to see how lively STAYUP Yokohama was. I couldn’t help but ask Mr. Ueda, “How are you attracting customers during this time?” He told me, “We have an amazing customer,” and that’s how I was introduced to Mr. Makino.

>>Here are the initiatives of “STAYUP Yokohama”


I was the first user of “STAYUP Yokohama,” and as I talked with Mr. Ueda, I gradually started receiving work.

Mr. Ota:

Moreover, as I conversed with Mr. Makino, I got the sense that he was someone I could trust. Seeing his wife’s work also gave me a sense of familiarity. Although our business contents differ, I felt that we aimed for the same kind of world.

Above all, I was impressed by the fact that he had achieved the feat of attracting new customers to a shared office during the pandemic.

JOGGO株式会社 代表取締役 太田真之さん

――Did JOGGO experience any impact from COVID-19?

Mr. Ota:

There was a significant impact.

In today’s world, where it is common for online shopping orders to be delivered the next day, JOGGO’s made-to-order products typically take 21 days to reach customers with standard shipping. Given this shift in consumer expectations, it’s no surprise that the same advertisements were becoming less effective.

Additionally, the uncertainty in delivery times caused by the pandemic was a major setback. The rapid increase in e-commerce sites across various genres during the COVID-19 crisis also played a role.

JOGGO’s products fall under the leather goods category but are often purchased as gifts, making it a highly competitive market. Using the same advertising strategies as before was no longer yielding good results.


We began implementing Mass Driver’s SEO measures in April 2021.


――Can you tell us about your goal setting for SEO measures?

Mr. Ota:

At first, we focused on conversions. However, over time, we realized that the number of visitors was also crucial, leading to some confusion as we adjusted our focus.


Increasing visitor numbers raises brand awareness, which can then lead to purchases through ads. It’s important to look at the overall pattern rather than isolated data points. The number of sessions is a key indicator. For our strategies, we’ve implemented a system where SEO improvements in blog and column content also elevate the top page.

A 200% Increase in Traffic and Future Challenges

――Although your goals might have been uncertain, what results have you seen?

Mr. Ota:

When we handled SEO measures ourselves, it was very challenging, and I honestly thought it would take years to see results. However, after implementing Mass Driver’s SEO strategies, our traffic increased by up to 200% at its peak. Even in the summer, when leather products typically don’t sell well, our traffic increased by 130%, showing a steady rise.

Since targeting high-ranking positions with bike query content was difficult, our approach was to increase content for low-query terms to boost traffic. Yet, we faced a major challenge in converting that traffic into sales.

――Were there any concerns within the company regarding SEO measures?

Mr. Ota:

Within the company, there was a general consensus that we needed to implement SEO measures, especially since our numbers had stagnated over the past three years. However, some staff with a bit of knowledge voiced concerns about the high level of competition, suggesting that achieving results might be too difficult. There were even suggestions that it might not be worth pursuing.

JOGGO株式会社 代表取締役 太田真之さん


Thanks to these efforts, the biggest achievement has been the increase in traffic. We aim to leverage this success to expand further.

Our goal is to boost organic traffic to the point where sales from organic sources match those from advertisements. Ultimately, we would like to reduce our reliance on advertisements.

Speed and Accurate Judgment are Our Greatest Strengths

――Did you gain any insights from working with Mass Driver?

Mr. Ota:

Yes. Running a startup constantly tests my abilities and makes me realize my limitations. However, working with Mr. Makino from Mass Driver has highlighted several essential aspects for a startup, such as the need for speed and substantial content.

Previously, we tended to spend a lot of time meticulously working on a single plan or initiative. For example, while discussing which option to choose in an A/B test, Mr. Makino would quickly research and decide, “Let’s go with this one.” His speed and decision-making ability have led to tangible results within a few weeks.

As a startup, we want to strengthen these areas and are grateful for the support in this collaborative effort.


I am impatient and eager to see results quickly (laughs).

株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎

――A positive cycle is emerging. What further expectations do you have for Mass Driver?

Mr. Ota:

First and foremost, I want to reliably convert the increased traffic into conversions. Additionally, I aim to increase the proportion of sales coming from organic traffic. As a business owner, I feel this is a challenge that must be overcome.


While addressing these challenges, it would be great to discover new avenues for growth. JOGGO’s products have traditionally been marketed with the concept of women gifting to men, but now we have added aspects like color selection and feng shui. To create an even more compelling world for our customers, we hope to further strengthen our foundation moving forward.

JOGGO株式会社 代表取締役 太田真之さん(左)、株式会社マスドライバー代表 牧野徹郎(右)